Sunday, 25 September 2011

The Eternal Struggle of the Multi-Sports Fan

Hello there, I am Sam and I am a sportsaholic (and possibly very borderline alcoholic), I freely admit this. I give up a lot of time to watch sport live and on TV. (As I write this I have an eye on St. Johnstone v Hearts game.) There is nothing that annoys me more than when sports clash, and in this case I have a very major (for me) clash in my schedule.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Polite Flights

Hello England, I have just returned to your grey and misty shores after spending a wonderful few months in the USA. I am happy to be back, however I was not so happy to be making my way back. Now I have made enough flights in my time to comfortably talk about a few don'ts thats you should follow, just to make your fellow passengers ordeal a little less painful.

Monday, 12 September 2011

My Lord's Prayer

So I came up with this while a tad bored on a bus to New York! Hope you enjoy!

Flipping Football

The NFL is back!! After all the scary will they, wont they that we all endured this offseason, its back and back with a bang! However I have been on both sides of the coin in this opening week of football.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Smashed in a Sorority Situation!

OK so I am not really one to blog about nights out. Frankly the less said about them the better normally. However last night I received a request from somebody I met on my trek to being pissed who said I should write something about the whole situation of sororities. So I am trying to oblige.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Deadline Day from a Desperate Distance Away!

So the deadline day came and went, and rather than my usual routine, I was stuck in Orlando, Florida ( I know, nightmare) trying to figure out who was going where and what some teams were really thinking. So this is my, as usual, half arsed attempt at summing up the transfer deadline.