'The Greatest Show on Turf!" Kevin Cadle crowed, yes that's right you guessed it; Superbowl Sunday! What a game it was!
Yes the New York Giants won 21-17 with a stand out performance from Eli Manning, and a tight nail biting finish. Maybe not a classic like the 2007 version, yet still a very watchable Superbowl.
Yet I am writing this blog because I realise that I don't actually have a Superbowl based blog! So here goes.
So now for around 7 years (Since Superbowl XL Seattle Seahawks v Pittsburgh Steelers) me and my mates Dave and Ste (the other head coaches from my Doritos Challenge Series) have gathered together among food (usually a parmo) and beers (Coors Light, 'Now that's a light tasting beer' or Budweiser) to watch the game.
This year was no different apart we dropped the parmo in favour of pizza and chicken chunks, courtesy of the popular high street chain that I work for currently.
However this year unlike other years had something more on the line. Usually we watch in an indifferent attitude taking the game in, or if one our teams is in it, the other two back the other team to wind that person up. This year Ste and Dave were going head to head in the conflict, both being fans of the Giants and Patriots respectively, leaving me to soak in not just the game, but the rivalry going on right next to me.
That's what I thought, until I stupidly entered into a wager with another mate, also named Ste. The wager involved the loser having to do a forfeit in front of the camera, and the subsequent picture being used as their Facebook profile picture for the week. If Ste lost he would have to wear a Liverpool shirt, as a huge Man United fan that's quite the ask. I, however had to go down on to one knee and do a Tebow pose. (To explain my less than complimentary stance on Tebow read here) I let Ste pick his team, as I didn't want to take sides, and I ended up with the Giants, which I was secretly pleased about because, despite having worked in Vermont for 4 summers and generally adoring New England, I am not Tom Brady's biggest fan, and I had one of them sneaky feelings that the Giants could do it again (which is OK saying after the game I know) So I was thrown into backing the G-men 100%.
Luckily I prevailed, and the subsequent picture may be published on here (as soon as I can source a Liverpool shirt).
Another highlight of the game was the unveiling and presentation of the official J.P Losman Trophy for the winner of the Doritios Challenge, Ste Rookes II. A picture will arrive soon, but a quick description is it is a mug with 3 pictures of J.P donning his original Buffalo Bills number 7! A worthy trophy for a truly thrilling championship!
We did all that and finished at 3am. Only for me to be up at 6am to get to work for 7am! Brilliant! I am normally off every Monday as well. I suppose it shows commitment, I would have rather have slept in though.
So that was a glimpse into my Superbowl Sunday. How did you spend yours?
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